Excellent spaghetti with tuna sauce! and the turkey was good too!
Here's something you won't see very often, or even in the next year.. Samantha with hair! (ok ok.. it's a wig)

Here's another skill she picked up today. How to drink from a straw! She just had to have some. A few squeak of the lips to show her how and she picked up this skill! muak!

Looking back at 2005, there's been plenty of memories.
Looking forward to 2006, there'll be lots to do and more to explore!
Samantha will turn 1 within the next two weeks. What a ride it has been. It's almost a year now and she's shown us so much that she can do. It's literally a miracle to have her.
Samantha, we love you.
"Samantha is a good girl.. Listen to mommy and daddy..." is our little bedtime saying.. hoping that she'll pick it up in her subconscious mind! :)
Anyways, Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year and love to all! Especially to our most dedicated reader of the blog... all the way London!
All I want for Christmas is peace of mind ;)