We're pretty busy at the moment and are working on some 'huge' updates to the blog. Lots of pictures and stories to follow! Look out for it.
They include... ...Birthday countdown! ...The Little One is One! Birthday Party! ...The Little One and her presents! ... "mama" and "papa" ...The day after the party ...A trip to the park ...Hello and bye bye waves ...Putting back the sewing kit (?)
What have they written about me? (click the picture to view a larger version)
If only I could read...
Perhaps, I'll learn to write first...
Now, which hand should I use?
We're not too sure if she's left or right handed. Perhaps it's too early to tell. She currently does have a preference to hold the pen and scribble with her right hand. Come to think of it, she can also do it with her left hand. Ambidextrous? That'll be cool. Wouldn't it?
The Little Scribe at work... What an amazing invention, the doodle thingy is.
Pre Samantha's party day (saturday) --- Today we've been very busy since early morning.. I bought some flowers to decorate our house mainly for Samantha's birthday party. Our little one just woke up when we came back from wet market. I showed her the daisy and check out her reaction of it.. haha...
Fresh from the morning...
After lunch we showed her the christmas present from grandma. She was so excited about it. Actually she been longing for our notebooks since she knew how to utilise her fingers. Our notebooks' keyboard often lacks one or two alphabet keys.. :p.. what a clever girl.. grandma always said that we should give her any old keyboard as toy. Anyhow, we've got to find her an old keyboard from the mess..
Where's my present?
Samantha checked out her toy notebook, which we (adults!) were quite impressed with it. The so called notebook can play music and words by insert respective card into the board, and you can simply press on the card if you want to repeat or so. Ehmm.. it's good enough for us. Haha.. Hmm.. didn't computers a long long time ago have these punch cards? (~_~)
Here some photos of her checking out her notebook toy..