I wanted to get another photo of her in the same position on the couch. Trying to keep her still and look into the camera was more challenging than when she was younger. Younger? Hmm. the little one does indeed grow up really fast! With her sitting in my lap, I can read to her. She now has a couple of books that she can flip through. Cardboard-thick and hard pages in her little My First ABC and My First Colours books (more like booklets) that we picked up from Popular. She does have a preference for certain colours and items. Reading to her and pointing out pictures like "flower" and "fish", gets her nodding and a first "umm" from here. That's great! She's trying to talk. While she cannot say the words, she does try to talk!

Small screams and squeals followed. Her Patrick doggie in the background is her favourite (smell/chew) toy now. I'll have to get a spare when this one is in the wash. Cute she is. Attack the doggie, she will ;)

Hey Samantha, there's plenty of time before you even start to think about lipsticks! :) hehe

She also now have 6 little teeth. The 4 on top are out now! Here she is holding and eating a Baby Bite rice cracker. More like a baby version of the yummy Bin Bin rice cracker ;)
Bye bye... she now knows how to wave.
so cute....aunty adeline here. Did you get the hat I got? Me wanna see pics ya :) Hope you like it!