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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Playgroup Separation

It's been long long time that we didn't update children's blog. It's always something to stop us to start to blog about the kids, especially for little 2.

Samantha has been to playgroup since Jan 2007. Mommy always with her to Children's Corner since last year. CC is only for children who are below 5yrs old and preferably they are accompanied by their mother. CC is on Monday and Friday. The extension class is at the same place but open for 4yr old kids. Since Samantha is a January child. We tested her and all agreed to try her for the extension class (tue, wed, thu). Another reason is that she is quite independent during the CC session.

Samantha is doing quite well on the first few weeks. Things turned sour whenever her father dropped her off to school. You know how kids deal with separation problem. Well, we kind of ignore it as a problem. Recently, she refused to go to school at all. I mean, she started to act angry or sad whenever she heard us mentioned the "SCHOOL".

Aiyah yah.. til now we been talk and talk to her about it for 2-3 weeks. Tomorrow school start again and it happens that she has 1 week break. Let's pray she will overcome it well and soon. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully Samantha will start looking forward to going to school one day. Maybe she gets that from Kelvin... didn't he used to cry everyday when going to standard 1? Hehehehe so cute!

    Can't wait to see you all soon!
