This is what happened in the morning : we dressed her up in her uniform and wiped her face and so, then she turned away and continued to sleep... ho no no no .. this cannot be.. mummy have to adjust your sleeping time. Must sleep early no matter what's happened.
This year we have yet any transport option for samantha back from school, so mummy has to bring you to school and drop daddy off to office. If daddy have to use the car then we will think of some alternatives eventually la.. pray hard !!
Samantha was very brave today. Mummy sat with Samantha for about 30 mins before mummy decided to let go. At first she cried a bit then later some craft activities caught her attention, and she started to forget about my attendance. (which is a good thing !!) Weeks before, we were so worried that she will experiencing the same anxiety. Surprisingly she coped it very well. Daddy and mummy are so proud of you, Samantha.
There's some photos taken by Aunty Betty during the 1st day. She looks so cute in uniform. Mummy will update those photos later.
When daddy came home and interviewed her about her day in school. Guess what she said ?
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