Dimensions: Same as the Nokia 3330.
Looks: Very, very similar to the Nokia 3330.
Weight: Lighter than the Nokia 3330 (see battery note)
Battery Life: Battery in afterlife.
Screen : This is where the phone surpasses the Nokia's original monochrome screen. The screen is a beautiful 160x160, true colour, photo realistic view. Currently, you can see the screen saver mode with a picture of Samantha.
Screen modes: Screen saver only.
Performance: It's limitess battery supply allows for Little Ones to chat endlessly in baby speak. English is also used sometimes.
Conclusion: This is Samantha's phone and she knows how to use it! It's a must have for Little One communications. Fits nicely in her Mamy Poko or Enfa backpack as well. It receives our highest rating of "Highly Recommended".
Lol! Loving your work here.